
Victor Garcia Creativity Training Kontakt Informationen

Victor Garcia Creativity Training


Foster creativity in your company, harvest success and innovation.

More than Coaching..Creativity training.


We live in an exciting time, full of changes and challenges;
Technology, communication and social interaction are changing and evolving at a pace never seen before (much less imagined).
Individuals, societies and companies keep using over and over the same structures and “solutions” that twenty years ago were already outdated. A „Dehumanization „of the professional world brought us to this point.

The solution?

Evolving from a Management in to a creative leadership, each team will function as the organism it is, focusing on the goals, truly collaborating and not just cooperating. The many dormant talents of your staff will gather and find new and better ways to get the job done.

Foster creativity in your company, harvest success and innovation.

Adresse: Brassertstraße 3, 45130 Werl
Telefonnummer: +49 176 63 19 7111
Stadt: Werl
Postleitzahl: 45130

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