Drug Development Tools for Medicinal Chemists, Modellers, Crop Scientists, Crystallographers
BioSolveIT GmbH, the custom scientific software development company for virtual screening and lead discovery offers tools, services, and research collaborations.
With a stellar scientific advisory board and founders from academia who intensely collaborate with pharma, BioSolveIT catalyzes products off of university research successes with proven pharmaceutical industry application. BioSolveIT provides world-renowned software products within the areas of ligand and structure-based drug design and is the pioneer of computational fragment-based ligand design. BioSolveIT innovate break-throughs in drug discovery by supplying smooth, user-centered designed tools bringing different researchers together for efficient multidisciplinary drug design.
BioSolveIT GmbH
An der Ziegelei 79, 53757 St. Augustin, Germany
Phone: +49-2525-0, Fax: +49-2241-2525-525
Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.biosolveit.de
CEO: Dr. Christian Lemmen
Registernr.: HRB 6261, Amtsgericht Siegburg
UStID: DE216739323
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