
Life Artists Kontakt Informationen


Life Artists - We are Creators!
Dedicated to amplifying human potential through skills in embodied creativity and events to foster peak experiences.

Coaching and Training in Creative Confidence for Individuals and Business.


Life Artists - We Are Creators!

Life Artists claims: CREATIVITY is a Physical experience.

I believe that creativity is our natural state. It is the most natural and pleasurable expression of being alive. It is the spark of life that engages us, ignites our curiosity, and moves us off the couch - back into where the fun and magic of life is. I believe each one of us has something unique and visionary to do and to give, an inner knowing which longs to be expressed. I believe we all - deep down inside - really want to make a difference in the world, to make our lives count. When we are creative without complication, we experience ourselves as alive, attentive, interested, and very physical. Our creativity revitalizes our ability to be attentive to the world we live in, others, and the present moment. It reconnects us to our expression and curiosity. We are tactile, sensual, playful; fully alive with enjoyment and health.

The body is missing from our dialog and experience of creativity.
I believe that we are missing something in our ability to tap into our innate creative confidence, to move through our fears and self-judgment, and be able to actualize our creativity, projects, and aims with ease. We are missing the connection to ourselves as physical creatures. We forget that our ideas and projects eventually have to become physical – or they never get seen, heard, or finished. They instead stay unreal – somewhere in our minds or emotions as wishes or dreams. Since our body is where we actually experience, play with, and build reality – it makes sense that the body is the natural place to focus our attention when wanting to affect our creative output and embody our aims, projects and creative living. In other words, the more physical we are the easier it is to create.

Developing Body attention supports our natural creativity
I teach, write, and lecture about developing Body Attention towards creative confidence. Training in Body Attention is a practical art. When meeting creative excitement and fear - the greater our attention to our physical responses becomes - the more we can tap into our body, notice how our fears are manifesting themselves physically, and train to stop this physical habit or way of being which stands in the way of our natural creative confidence. Embodied creativity moves our projects and ideas from the intangible drawing board to the present moment. Allowing us to act upon our reality and craft it to our will. This is Creative power!

Adresse: Life Artists Creators Hub - Mila Strasse 4, 10437 Berlin
Telefonnummer: +49491778928239
Stadt: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 10437

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