The unique M.A. Olympic Studies provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge about the Olympic Movement.
The advanced studies programme implements a high-level, interdisciplinary curriculum in Olympic Studies aimed at fostering the links between the academic and the Olympic world. The programme awards a Master of Arts in Olympic Studies and is designed to facilitate recruitment of a wide range of participants from diverse academic and professional backgrounds.
International teaching teams from the different cooperating universities teach seminars in sport history, sport pedagogy, ethics, international relations, media/commercialization and sport governance, all closely linked to Olympic Studies.
The M.A. Olympic Studies has the official patronage of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
For the offical website of the degree programme, please click on this link:
The next intake of the M.A. Olympic Studies will start in March 2015. Please contact Study Coordinator Jörg Krieger ( in order to get the official application documents.
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