Founded by Voice Visionary Kara Johnstad, the School of Voice is an artist-driven bi-lingual creative oasis in Berlin and serves the large international community. Kids to adults.
VISIT THE SCHOOL OF VOICE BERLIN - founder Singer-Songwriter-Vocal Coach Kara Johnstad.
SCHOOL OF VOICE | | email - feel free to contact us
We are an artist-driven school and prioritize that which is sacred in self-expression. We offer programs in voice and vocal arts, spoken word, poetry, writing, speaker training, piano, guitar, rhythm, harmonium, yoga, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique and other body mind spirit offerings. Yup - our body is our instrument.
Our business and rooms are the same.Herbergerweg 14 in Zehlendorf Mitter Berlin. Many of the teachers that you know and love are continuing plus 5 more are joining! Kids and Adults. Beginners to professionals. Contact Kara at
Join us and explore the voice as a tool for creative self-expression & well-being. Experience the power of voice. From mindsets to writing classes, songwriting to singing. Mindfulness and bodywork and nutrition. Go beyond traditional voice studies. We offer professional training for singers, speakers, yoginis, kids, luminaries, and feminine leaders.
We work together with personal coaches, healers, yoga teachers, writers, composers, recording studios, and theaters, to offer the very best in voice training for all levels. From kids to adult. From beginner to successful recording artists.
Professional Voice Programs, Group Voice Classes, Kids Programs, Songwriting, Journaling, Lyric Writing, Poetry, BodyWork, Sound Healing, Body Percussion, Piano, Harmonium, Storytelling, Word Art, Mindfulness, Yoga, Movement, Feldenkrais and Recording Retreats. Internationally renowned teachers, Small Class sizes with personal attention, Certification programs. At the SCHOOL OF VOICE, we prioritize what is sacred in self-expression. Be Free. Voice Your Essence.
Located in idyllic Zehlendorf, 3-minute walk from the Zehlendorf S-Bahn station (20 min on S1 line from Friedrichstr., direct bus connections to KuDamm),. All classes in English and German.
Founder Kara Johnstad.
Homepage: Sign up for our mailings.
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